Workforce Development
Nimiipuu Energy


The completed projects have all been installed by Tribal employees. In addition to installation of PV system, the Nimiipuu Energy Crew has done all the electrical wiring, switchgear installation, inverter installation/programming, and site mapping for the solar and storage component.

The development of local Tribal workforce has been a key component of the projects. Solar and storage jobs provide excellent wages and have a strong future. The ability to keep full time, high paying jobs in the local community is critical to self determination. Nimiipuu Energy will require 100-150 full time employees over the next 5 years to complete planned projects. We estimate that 1500 Tribal employees will be required across all tribes to install the initial 5311 MW. Nimiipuu Energy has developed training protocols to replicate their employment success on the Nez Perce Reservation.

Employee Training and Development

Quality employees have been critical to the completion of these projects. Employee development has provided the community with a pathway to independence and has been critical in getting community buy-in to the solar projects. A streamlined, focused training plan allows the tribal employees to receive on-the-job training and certification. All employees start with OSHA 10 Safety Certification and SEI RE100–Introduction to Renewable Energy classes. This is combined with on-site training for PV racking and panel installation, electrical wiring processed, site mapping, advanced safety protocols and general construction skills. All employees are paid from their first hour on the job and training is included in their skills development.

Advanced training is provided as the employees develop. Six Tribal employees are undergoing Apprentice Electrician training. Seventeen Tribal Employees passed Tesla Battery Certified Installer training with certification in late may 2022.

Nimiipuu is fulfilling contracts to adjacent Tribes for workforce development to install and maintain PV systems. Battery storage training will begin with regional in 2024.

Watch Tesla Mega Pack Video

Watch “Tired of talking.”